United Republic of Tanzania

Population: 62,092,761
Time Zone: GMT+3, HKT-5
Currency: 297.9 Tanzanian Shillings= 1 Hong Kong Dollar
Consulate Location: 11 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Tanzania, formally known as the United Republic of Tanzania, is located in the South East of Africa situated just below the Equator, with the Indian Ocean on its eastern coastline which holds Tanzania’s principal port of Dar as Salaam. On the 9th of December 1961 the mainland of Tanzania (then called Taganyika) became a sovereign state headed by Queen Elizabeth II, until exactly a year later after which it became a republic and a member state of the Commonwealth. By 1964 due to organic close relations between Taganyika and the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba Island and multiple smaller islands led to their union in 1964, after which the amalgamated territory was named the United Republic of Tanzania.
Tanzanian citizens may visit Hong Kong without a visa for a stay of up to 90 days, but a visa is required if Tanzanians wish to study, work, or take up residence in Hong Kong.

Chambers and Associations
The Honorary Consulate of Tanzania in Hong Kong is located in Kowloon, with Leung Tin Fu as the Honorary Consul who has been actively promoting trade, tourism and business connections between the two territories, as well as facilitating cultural exchanges. Notable initiatives include the “Tanzania Leadership Programme” facilitated through the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong for Tanzanian youth to attend lectures, field visits and knowledge seminars in Hong Kong, as well as the “Tanzania Business and Leisurely Trip” during which 120 people from Hong Kong were given a tour of Tanzania to showcase the country’s opportunities for business. In 2018 when government representatives of Tanzania visited Hong Kong for investment opportunities, the Honorary Consul hosted a meeting with the representatives where they expressed their interest in increasing their participation in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and state-run project funding.
Over the last 24 years, there has been an increasing trend of exports from Hong Kong to Tanzania at an annualised rate of 3.98%.
In 2020, Hong Kong exported US$103.8 million predominantly consisting of telephonic communication devices (88.6%), whereas imports from Tanzania to Hong Kong amounted to US$107.9 million, comprising of edible fish (54.8%), precious metal traces (24.9%), and precious/semi-precious stones (8.0%).