Message from the Secretary-General
As Secretary-General of the new Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, I am pleased to welcome you to our website.
I have lived, worked and invested in many countries, but Hong Kong, the world’s quintessential business city, is my home. The world’s economy, already damaged by trade wars and protectionism, has been further devastated by the Covid pandemic. Hong Kong’s role as an international bridge for business is now more important and offers more opportunities than ever.
Commonwealth trade with China has, over the last decade, grown eight times faster than its trade with the rest of the world. Despite this, many Commonwealth businesses and Hong Kong companies with Commonwealth interests lack a dedicated, inclusive organization to help them realize the potential offered by Hong Kong’s unique corporate environment.
Over the next year, we will be organizing a range of webinars, discussions and other events focussing on specific business sectors and individual Commonwealth markets. As the pandemic is brought under control, more physical events will also be possible.
We welcome both participation and ideas.
Please get in touch with us through this website or feel free to contact me directly at andrewwells@commonwealthchamberhk.com if you have questions to ask or possible contributions to make to this major new initiative.
Andrew Wells